Written by Admin on 9 October 2014
25 January
Refer: Pink document 5
Hugh Templeton from the Office of the Minister of Broadcasting wrote to Mr N.A. Wyse, House Manager at UCSA, following up his telegram of 24 December 1976 in which he advised that
“I am happy to approve a short term broadcasting authorisation for your Students’ Association for the period 21 February to 5 March 1977 inclusive allowing broadcasting five hours daily Monday to Friday and a total of four hours on Saturday and Sunday.” Reiterating the conditions of licence already referred to above, he advised that “the frequency of 1230kHz has again been made available to you.”
He annexed the authorisation number .13. There is a further original telegram relating to some amendment to the broadcast hours.
Refer: Pink document 6
The broadcasting licence was formally issued on 20 February 1977.
30 November 1977
A further application for a short term broadcasting authorisation was made again by N.A. Wyse, “House Manager”.
This application was again made on behalf of the Radio U sub-committee c/- Orientation 1978 This was a new application filed for short term broadcasting authorisation for the 1978 Orientation
Refer: Pink document 7
Members of the sub-committee were at that time were:
N.A. Wyse, house manager to Student Union Building and manager to Ngaio Marsh Theatre.
James Chambers – BSc (Hons), currently studying for M.Sc. He was the chairman of the sub-committee and a programmer and announcer for Radio U 1976.
David Fitzgerald – final year electrical engineering student and a “qualified amateur radio operator”. He was proposed technical director.
Mark Rodgers – final year electrical engineering student, proposed technical operator and assistant to technical director.
Gisella Carr – second year BA student, proposed programmer, reporter and announcer. An experienced actress and announcer for Radio U 1977.
Martyn Duffy – BA student currently completing an MA. Actor and president of University drama society and proposed programmer and announcer.
Craig Dixon – a second year BA student and proposed technical operator.
Mary-Rose Wilkinson – second year BA student, announcer and reporter for Radio U 1977. Proposed programmer and reporter for the 1978 edition.
The body of the application again referred to the “confusing and anxious period for both returning as well as first year students”, with the station providing “an effective and easily reached link between the students and various University departments and personnel”. Orientation was described as attempting “to provide students with not only the physical bearings they may need but also to show new students how best they may fit into the new and different University community… In the sphere of meeting others and forming friendships the importance of such a period of organised and constructive participation can not be overlooked.” The same problems in relation to the large and sprawling campus and the “accute (sic) communication problem when faced with the task of reaching its members” was again referred to.
This application sought an extension of the hours of operation from 10 to 8pm on weekdays. Again, any music played was intended “as a “fill in” and will consist of a balance of classical, rock, and popular music aimed specifically at the student audience.”
Technical Provisions
The application recorded:
“At the present time negotiations are in progress with Avon Broadcasting Limited, with a view to hiring the Radio Avon mobile studio, transmitter and antenna system. This equipment… would be installed in the Student Union Building, 90 Ilam Road, Christchurch.”
That equipment had previously been used by Radio Avon, Radio 3FX Ferrymead, Radio 4XB Queenstown, and had been used by Radio U during its 1977 broadcast season.
The application went on to say that “Preliminary programme recording will be done in the Control Room of the Ngaio Marsh Theatre. We are fortunate to have the use of a permanent sound control room which is equipped with professional tape and disk equipment as well as a comprehensive mixing panel.”
The reallocation of frequency channel 1230kHz in the MF wave band was sought.